ClaimsLink Updates
New feature on ClaimsLink! You can now view Open Choice PPO information for members from ClaimsLink. This feature is located on the Policyholder Summary screen. Simply click a member's name and choose the " Open Choice PPO Information" option.
If you are receiving an error message that says "You must be using Internet Explorer"
please use the following instructions below
to set your browser to compatibility mode. Please note: Some organizations restrict
changing machine settings. If any of the options described below are unavailable
please contact your IT department or PC administrator to perform these steps.
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Find the Tools menu. It is NOT the tools menu under the gear icon. This one is
actually labeled Tools. If you don�t see it, RIGHT click on the gray area anywhere
at the top of the screen and choose Menu Bar.
3. Click "Tools" and choose Compatibility View settings from the list.
4. On the pop up screen click the check box next to the line that says �Display
all websites in compatibility mode.�
5. Click the close button on the pop up window.
6. Close ALL open Internet Explorer windows.
You should now be able to enter the ClaimsLink site. If you have any problems with the
compatibility mode steps. Please call the help desk at 1-800-218-2205.
New feature on ClaimsLink! You can now view and print temporary id cards for most members. This feature is located
on the Policyholder Summary screen. Simply click a member's name and choose the "View Temp Id Card" option. The id card is delivered in .pdf
format. Depending on your browser/pdf reader setup the pdf will open automatically or you will be asked to choose whether to open or save.
Attention Internet Explorer 10 and 11 users: If you are receiving a Page Cannot Be Found
error when using Auto Enrollment please use the following instructions below
to set your browser to compatibility mode. Please note: Some organizations restrict
changing machine settings. If any of the options described below are unavailable
please contact your IT department or PC administrator to perform these steps.
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Find the Tools menu. It is NOT the tools menu under the gear icon. This one is
actually labeled Tools. If you don�t see it, RIGHT click on the gray area anywhere
at the top of the screen and choose Menu Bar.
3. Click "Tools" and choose Compatibility View settings from the list.
4. On the pop up screen click the check box next to the line that says �Display
all websites in compatibility mode.�
5. Click the close button on the pop up window.
6. Close ALL open Internet Explorer windows.
Auto Enrollment should be back up and running. If you have any problems with the
compatibility mode steps. Please call the help desk at 1-800-218-2205.